Road Rally/Scavenger Hunt
What is a Road Rally?
It is a tour through parts of Cambria County where you hunt for the answers to history related questions. Think of it as a scavenger hunt quiz.
Did you miss the Road Rallies but would still like to take a historic tour through our county? You are in luck! While there are no prizes to be won you can still print a copy of our Rallies for fun! Below there is a link for both the North and South Rally. There is also a link for the answers to the rally that you can print once you are finished and checked your answers.
KEEP AN EYE OUT! We will be having a third rally in October. That Rally will also be drawn for a winner of a $100 Sheetz gift card.
You can download the NORTH RALLY by clicking here
You can download and print the SOUTH RALLY by clicking here.
You can download and print the HISTORY SCAVENGER HUNT by Clicking here